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Equine Podiatry

Innovative hoof support and biomechanics tailored to your horse's injury and recovery

1 hClinic Location

Service Description

One of Dr. Massie’s biggest passions is podiatry. We take the phrase “no horse, no hoof” very seriously and work with therapeutic farriers to develop personalized hoof healthcare plans for your horse(s). From general everyday wellbeing to top performances, even the smallest of errors in shoes and trims not tailored to your individual horse’s feet can affect them. This is where individualized podiatry comes in. Podiatry is somewhat different to traditional farriery, because it offers owners tools and management practices that they wouldn’t receive otherwise. We work closely with owners to achieve the healthiest hooves possible for their horse and maximize their performance depending on your goals. We are also dedicated to educating owners so that they can understand how different factors, like riding and biomechanics, influence the health of the hoof. Our hoof care system is based on a model which breaks down the complex structure that is the horse foot into a number of key parts that enables us to assess its health and recommend tools for improvement. Using a thorough examination, diagnostics, and thermal imaging, we will work with you to develop a hoof care routine which works for your schedule and capabilities and will improve the overall longevity of your horse’s hooves.  We can also work with other equids such as donkeys and mules. 

Contact Details

  • 11910 Blackwell Road, Central Point, OR, USA


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